The two most typical reasons to get a web server of your own are if a shared web hosting account cannot cope with the load of the Internet sites hosted within it or if the web sites require particular software to be operating on the hosting server, but it can't be installed on a shared machine. In these cases you can get your own server, but this entails you shall be in charge of its maintenance, which isn't the situation with a shared website hosting server where the service provider carries out everything. In this light, we have introduced a Managed Services upgrade, which can be added to any one of our hosting server plans if you do not have the time or the expertise to manage your machine. Our system admins shall install and troubleshoot software, update your Operating System plus more in order to give you the chance to concentrate on building your sites as opposed to handling different maintenance tasks.

Managed Services Package in Dedicated Servers

The Managed Services upgrade may be added to any of the dedicated servers we offer and it takes no more than a simply click to complete that during the server signup or in your billing Control Panel at any point in time. You could also determine if you will get the upgrade just a single time or if you'll employ it consistently given that it provides a lot of useful services. We will keep a backup of fifty GB of content on a separate machine, so in case anything fails, we can restore the information. We will also make sure that the server will perform at its best because we'll keep track of it, restart it when required, and we'll install all the most recent performance and security updates for the Operating System you have chosen. Also, our system admins can perform thirty minutes custom work on your machine, which is sufficient for almost all tasks. This includes installing or troubleshooting applications from third-party suppliers, custom software settings, and so forth. That way, you could use a dedicated hosting server even if you don't have previous experiences with this sort of hosting.