Integrated Ticketing System in Hosting
Our hosting come bundled with an integrated support ticket system, which is an indivisible part of our custom-built Hepsia Control Panel. Unlike other analogous tools, Hepsia will allow you to manage everything related to the hosting service itself in the very same location – payments, website files, emails, trouble tickets, etc., avoiding the need to log in and out of different interfaces. In the event that you’ve got any technical or pre-sales questions or any problems, you can submit a ticket with just a few mouse clicks without leaving your hosting Control Panel. In the meantime, you may choose a category and our system will present you with a number of informative articles, which will provide you with additional information and which may help you fix any particular issue even before you actually send a ticket. We guarantee a support ticket response time of maximum 1 hour, even in case it is a weekend or a public holiday.
Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Servers
In case you have a semi-dedicated server account with our company and you would like to get in touch with our client service staff members, you’ll be able to submit a trouble ticket straight from your Hepsia hosting Control Panel instead of using a completely different customer support platform like you will need to do with most web hosting providers on the marketplace. Our integrated trouble ticket system will permit you to open a new ticket easily and to browse through older tickets using a smart search filter. Moreover, you will be able to take a look at the applicable knowledgebase articles that our system will present you with based on the category that you select for your new ticket. You can perform all the above-mentioned operations without signing out of your Hepsia Control Panel at any moment, which means that in case you experience any predicament or have a question, you can contact our support engineers and solve the issue in question in no more than 1 hour using one platform.