Disk Space in Hosting
All of our hosting plans were made with the idea that insufficient hard disk space can't be a thing that can obstruct the progress of your websites. That's the reason why we have taken an approach which is more advanced than the one that most website hosting companies use - instead of just making a variety of accounts using one server and eventually running out of disk space, we use a cloud hosting platform in which the storage is taken care of by a large cluster of servers. That's why, we're able to install more machines if they are necessary or more hard disks, in order to supply extra disk space for all the files of our valued clients. Separate clusters control your e-mails as well as your databases, as a result not only are you able to expand your sites not worrying about storage space, but also all the servers will function faster and better since every service does have its space for storing and a single server doesn't handle various types of files.
Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Servers
Considering the fact that all our semi-dedicated server plans are incredibly powerful, we've chosen never to limit the disk space feature when we have created them. Our understanding is that when you use a powerful package, it is quite possible that you have a good amount of site data, therefore each and every semi-dedicated server plan offers you unlimited hard disk space, which will help you center on enhancing your websites without worrying whether you will fit within an allowance. Your website hosting account will be set up on a cloud web hosting system in which the files, databases and emails have their individual clusters of servers, thus not only will the machines function more efficiently since just a single type of system processes will run on them, but in addition you'll never have to worry about the hard disk storage because we are able to add as many servers or hard disk drives to every cluster as needed.
Disk Space in Dedicated Servers
When you use dedicated servers you'll get all the storage space that you will need for your sites, databases, emails and apps. Hundreds of gigabytes of storage will be available and not shared with anybody else, so you're able to upload any info you'd like - web site files, personal or company archive backup copies, and so on. You'll have at least two hard disk drives that function well in RAID, so one of the drives will mirror the other in real time to ensure that all your important data is always backed up. If you like, you're able to use the hard drives individually and utilize the entire space the way you see fit. If required, you may also get supplementary disks linked to the server and enjoy even additional storage space. You'll have the option to make website hosting accounts with pre-set hard disk storage quotas when you order your server with cPanel or DirectAdmin for the web hosting Control Panel. Using Hepsia, which is the third Control Panel option on the order page, all domains hosted on the server will share the disk space and they will be controlled from a single account. Either way, our dedicated plans will meet your requirements regardless of the type of site you would like to host.